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minor burn of hand

Minor burns can happen when cooking or coming into contact with other hot surfaces or chemicals. These burns appear as reddened, blistered skin that typically heals after a few days. If the burn gets worse, it can lead to infections that can create serious health problems. Here is how you can treat minor burns to maintain proper skin health.

At Home Treatments for Minor Burns

There are several things you can do at home to get relief from minor burns. Try soaking your hand in cool water for about five minutes or applying aloe vera gel or lidocaine to soothe the injured area. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to prevent bacterial growth and boost circulation for faster healing. Keep the wounded area out of direct sunlight until it fully heals to minimize scarring.

When to Seek Urgent Care Treatment for Minor Burns

If minor burns are on a joint or your face, you may want to seek immediate medical treatment. Any burn that covers over a three-inch area should be examined by a medical professional. If the burn is the result of contact with a chemical, flush the area immediately and remove contaminated clothing and jewelry.

Electrical burns should be examined by a healthcare professional, as damage can be delayed over several days. Infants, older adults and those diagnosed with chronic health conditions should seek medical treatment right away. Once the doctor examines your skin, they can recommend the best treatment option based on what caused the minor burns.

Prompt Urgent Care Treatment Solutions for Minor Burns

If left untreated, minor burns can become infected and lead to more serious health issues. If you experience prolonged pain or inflammation, seek professional medical help right away. Get prompt treatment for minor burns by scheduling a same day appointment with Rapid Immediate Care today.

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Hoffman Estates

925 N Roselle Rd
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Phone: (847) 310-3211